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CSO State Licensing


Browser Compatibility:

This website has been reviewed using the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10 and 11 (compatibility mode off)
  • Google Chrome (version 33)
  • Firefox (version 24)

Internet Explorer Help:

  • To turn off internet compatibility mode:
    1. Use the 'Compatibility View' button in the address bar to toggle compatibility mode off () and on (). If this button does not appear in the address bar, continue with the following steps.
    2. Click on the 'Tools' menu at the top of the Internet Explorer window (if you do not see the menu bar, press the 'Alt' key on the keyboard).
    3. If the 'Compatibility View' option is active and is checked, click on 'Compatibility View' to turn this mode off.
    4. If the 'Compatibility View' option is not active, follow these steps:
      1. Click on the 'Compatibility View Settings' option.
      2. Uncheck 'Display all websites in Compatibility View' if it is checked.
      3. Click on close and refresh the browser.
      4. If compatibility mode is still not off, go back to 'Compatibility View Settings', uncheck 'Include updated websites list from Microsoft', click close and refresh the browser.